Life's Toughest Lessons: Beyond the Classroom
Never underestimate how much it takes to get back up after getting hit by life's curveballs.
I've been there.
From battling undiagnosed dyslexia to wrestling with three years of chronic ill health while having seizures in school, my path's been rocky.
When I moved to London in my early 20s, I was self-sustaining on a salary below the breadline.
I've been a first responder to people who have felt that life has become too much to endure.
I went self-employed the week before the global pandemic, which isn't something you factor into your business plan.
One thing I have learned is that you are only ever around the corner from calm tides turning into a storm.
But it's not about going it alone.
No one gets anywhere by themselves, whether they acknowledge it or not.
Despite the adversities I've overcome, I don't believe it's right to try and convince people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Does it take personal resilience?
Sure, but I'm tired of listening to the conversation of resilience being used to diminish poor practices, both organisationally and societally.
We're stronger together, leaning on each other when the going gets tough.
What I can tell you is that it's those very struggles that mould us into who we are.
The fires you endure will forge you into the person you need to become.
That transformation is painful; anyone telling you it isn’t is selling you something.
So, next time life throws you a curveball, remember:
→ Embrace the unexpected
→ Learn from every setback
→ Build your resilience through action
→ Embrace the challenge
→ Seek support
→ Keep pushing forward
→ Believe in your ability to overcome
If you're weathering a storm, keep sailing. The winds will change.
You've got this, and if you're lucky, you'll emerge with gifts from the past that will serve your future self.
#LifeSkills #ResilienceBuilding #PersonalGrowth #JamieBykovBrett