My Journey to Self-Employment for Equitable Education
In 2020, I went self-employed.
For 10+ years, I'd worked for other business or non-profits.
This was stable, secure and the 'norm', I guess.
But, I decided I wanted to work for myself.
Not simply because I wanted to change my career, but because I had a bigger mission - to make education more accessible to everyone.
My aim?
To ensure education is fair and available to all.
I started my career working with people facing significant adversities and those from marginalised communities.
Later, when I began facilitating C-suite training and workshops, I realised how valuable these skills, knowledge, and behaviours (with their emphasis on reframing and application) are for everyone.
I wanted to extend the latest learning opportunities beyond the confines of boardrooms.
So, I started using my skills and expertise to help schools, charities, and underserved communities have equitable access to knowledge and learning.
Education shouldn't be 'gatekept'.
The communities that can really benefit from new technology should have access to the resources, education, and know-how to succeed in today's world.
→ Equitable education has the power to change peoples' lives.
→ Equitable education has the power to build stronger communities.
→ Equitable education has the power to break down barriers and enhance social mobility.
Yet, there's still a lot to do.
Making education fair for everyone is a big challenge.
By becoming self-employed, I wake up each day and tackle this challenge head-on!