The global battle to regulate AI is just beginning 🤖
👨💼Europe’s parliament has been struggling to agree on new rules to govern AI. Policymakers everywhere have a lot to learn about the technology.
💡At the core of the debate about regulating AI is the question of whether it's possible to limit its risks without stalling its expected growth. The discussions should not focus on existential threats to the future of humanity, because there are major issues with the technology's current uses. It is the role of politicians to put limits on how the technology can be used.
🧐The European Parliament is getting closer to outlining its vision for regulating AI. It may include an outright ban on some AI uses, such as predictive policing, and extra transparency requirements for AI judged to be high-risk, such as systems used in border control. Their negotiations offer a glimpse of how politicians everywhere will have to find a balance between protecting societies from AI's risks while also reaping its rewards.
🌍What’s happening in Europe is being closely watched in other countries, as they wrestle with how to shape their own responses to increasingly sophisticated and prevalent AI. It’s going to have a spillover effect globally, just as we witnessed with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
💬"The question of what you do with AI is a political question. And it is not a question that should ever be decided by technologists." — Mathias Spielkamp, cofounder of AlgorithmWatch
🔒The European Parliament is trying to please everyone, and its agreement could still be altered before the vote. It's a true compromise, and everybody's equally unhappy. But this is only the start of a long process, and the AI Act will likely set the tone for global policymaking efforts surrounding artificial intelligence.
🚀Politicians need to confront the risks of AI head-on and find the right balance that enables innovation and protects societies.
#AIregulation #Europe #Insights
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